

We are taking registrations for the next school year. Please use the nursery school or preschool tab to register your child. Feel free to contact us with questions.

Our annual registration night is scheduled for Monday February 26, 5pm-7:00pm.

Noah's Ark preschool offers a developmentally appropriate early childhood education experience in a safe, caring environment.

Nursery School

Noah's Ark offers Nursery School classes to children who are three years old by Sept. 15. Nursery School classes meet two times a week. Tuition scholarships are available.

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Noah's Ark offers Preschool classes to children who are four years old by Sept. 15. Preschool classes meet four mornings a week and are tuition free for four year olds.

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our staff

Miss Leisl

Leisl Lidiak: Certified Early Childhood Teacher

Leisl is the preschool director and lead preschool teacher. She has been teaching for 25 years -- 19 of those have been at Noah's Ark. Noah's Ark is special to her because of the staff members and the families that she gets to work with. Leisl enjoys creating learning/playing environments and activities for preschoolers and watching them learn & grow through the school year.

Miss Reka

Reka deBoer/certified Early Childhood teacher

This is Reka's fifth year at Noah's Ark. She will be teaching preschool, nursery school and will be serving as the nursery school director. Reka has a genuine love for young children and enjoys helping them learn. Reka did home daycare for 12 years before joining our staff at Noah's Ark.

Miss Lisa

Lisa Merley/certified para-educator

Lisa has been working at Noah's Ark for over 15 years as a para-educator.

Miss Lori

Lori Meinecke/certified para-educator

Lori is a para educator with over 16 years of experience as well as 6 years of managing her own daycare. 

She loves to help foster creativity in children and enjoys seeing each of their individual personalities blossom. 

Noah's Ark is a part of the Sheldon Community Preschools. We offer tuition free preschool to four year olds with busing available.

Tap+: Learning Centers

🎨 Art

Free painting creations. Creating a 3-D object

🔎 Science + Discovery

Light table with patterns and letters. Magnifying glasses and insects. Ramps. Sound experiments.

🧲 Sensory

Colored rice with magnets and magnetic objects. Playdoh and scissors. Corn and tractors.

📕 Library

Peg board. Puzzles. Seasonal books. Puppets.

➕ Math

Number writing with sensory cards. Number stamping with stamps and ink. Comparing measurements using a scale and different objects. Counting game

🎭 Dramatic Play

Painter's shop. Grocery store. Office.

◼️ Blocks

Hollow wooden blocks. Geometric foam blocks and magnatiles. Community helpers. Animals. Tree blocks.

🍏 Health + Nutrition

Matching foods to food groups on magnetic board.☺️

Creative Curriculum + GOLD Assessment

We use Creative Curriculum and GOLD assessment. Both of these are high quality and research based developed by Teaching Strategies to provide young children with a solid start in their education.

The curriculum teaches all areas of child development: social/emotional, physical, language, cognitive skills, literacy, math, science, technology, social studies and the arts.

Our staff consists of certified teachers and para-educators with many years of early childhood teaching experience. We work closely with families to help us provide the necessary learning experiences that each individual child needs.

why Noah's Ark


A Longstanding Legacy at Noah's Ark

Our Noah's Ark Preschool Sign